Family and Friends

This week has been one that I wish I could’ve hit stop, rewind, and started over–or if that weren’t possible, just fast forward to the end.  Yet, in the midst of dealing with children who wouldn’t obey, many nights of interrupted sleep, a sick dog whose remedy caused us to reach into our savings, and vast amounts of urine released onto the floor and carpet from said dog and children, I can easily find how I have been blessed this week.

While I had hoped to write how I was thankful for a week of jury duty, I was only called on Monday (they really should take volunteers) and thus not able to escape the week.  There were superheroes  to my rescue, though.  When I called that I needed to take Scout to the vet, my sister and her husband dropped everything to watch my children.  I’ve written about Lisa before; she and Mason helping us is not new, but my thanks for them seems to increase tenfold as time goes by.

They not only show up physically; they invest in the lives of Matt and my children, and they have two of the most generous spirits I know.  They play and they love, and my children love them.  When Lisa stopped to get Mason coffee, she came back with a chai latte for me–she didn’t ask; she just brought it. When Lisa and Mason saw the vet bill I brought home, they treated us to lunch and a play date at Monkey Joe’s. They give, even when perhaps they shouldn’t, but their generous hearts won’t allow them to do otherwise.

Matt and I have been blessed with a wonderful family, and I could write posts thanking each of them for something they have done.  However, I could never write enough posts for Lisa and Mason.  I love them and don’t know what I would do without them.  Previously, I had written that Lisa and I might not be friends if we weren’t sisters because we are so different.  I was right–her heart is a thousand times bigger than mine, and I could only hope to be so lucky to have a friend like her.

For this Focus on it Friday, for whom or what are you thankful this week? Share in the comments section, and help us to remind one another that we are blessed!

9 thoughts on “Family and Friends

  1. Sisters are amazing! I am so happy that I have mine close by and not hundreds if not thousand miles away. I dont know what I have done these last couple years without them.


  2. How nice of you! So important to take time to be thankful for all the good we have, and are blessed with, despite the hardships of our day to day lives! Beautiful post.


  3. I am so thankful to have 2 precious and wonderful daughters that really love each other. And, you are so right that Lisa and Mason are true servants; when they see a need, they act. My cup runneth over.
    ♥ Mom


  4. Today I'm thankful for the elderly man I passed on the street who was laughing so hard he made me laugh, too. Lots of things are infectious. Not all of them are bad.


  5. I am happy that you can see the wonderful hearts Lisa and Mason have. While Lisa at times displays immaturity at other times she certainly comes to task. I remember when you had appendicitis and had to go to the hospital. Lisa and Mom took charge and got your home in order and under control.
    Lisa didn't have to be asked, she was on her way. I am truly proud of both of you. Mom and I have
    truly been blessed. You, I am sure, have made Lisa and Mason happy with your blog even though what they do is from the heart, it is good to know they are appreciated.

    I love you,


  6. Today I am thankful for encouragement from a friend that I haven't seen or talked to in awhile. Upon discovering a new adventure I am getting into, she sent me a message to check on me and encourage me. Made my day.


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